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Showing posts with label #christian #jesus #god #bible #faith #love #church #jesuschrist #christianity #christ #prayer #gospel #holyspirit #bibleverse #pray #worship. Show all posts

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee.

Psalm 55:22

Care, even though exercised upon legitimate objects, if carried to excess, has in it the nature of sin. The precept to avoid anxious care is earnestly inculcated by our Savior, again and again; it is reiterated by the apostles; and it is one which cannot be neglected without involving transgression: for the very essence of anxious care is the imagining that we are wiser than God, and the thrusting ourselves into his place to do for him that which he has undertaken to do for us. We attempt to think of that which we fancy he will forget; we labor to take upon ourselves our weary burden, as if he were unable or unwilling to take it for us. Now this disobedience to his plain precept, this unbelief in his Word, this presumption in intruding upon his province, is all sinful. Yet more than this, anxious care often leads to acts of sin. He who cannot calmly leave his affairs in God’s hand, but will carry his own burden, is very likely to be tempted to use wrong means to help himself. This sin leads to a forsaking of God as our counselor, and resorting instead to human wisdom. This is going to the “broken cistern” instead of to the “fountain;” a sin which was laid against Israel of old. Anxiety makes us doubt God’s loving kindness, and thus our love to him grows cold; we feel mistrust, and thus grieve the Spirit of God, so that our prayers become hindered, our consistent example marred, and our life one of self-seeking. Thus want of confidence in God leads us to wander far from him; but if through simple faith in his promise, we cast each burden as it comes upon him, and are “careful for nothing” because he undertakes to care for us, it will keep us close to him, and strengthen us against much temptation. “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee, because he trustee in thee.” 

Saturday, May 23, 2020


 NKJV Hebrews 4:12 "For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." NKJV 2 Timothy 3:16: "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and iprofitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work."
   On 24th April, 2020, I was in the Spirit of the Lord and made to stand in front of a path. I was with another person and we stood facing that path. Behind us was a big mountain which was spread like a rainbow from one end to the other. Although it was a rainbow, it looked as if something was written on its top. There was also an in-let or a door. A lot of people came and stood by the mountain. They looked like the rainbow. They kept coming and stood systematically one after another, forming a rainbow-like pattern. I was told to go back where I came from; and I did so. When I looked, I saw that the people's heads were at the same level with the rainbow. 

   I then started walking with some people going back to the mountain. I saw that something was happening in front. When we reached, I saw that those who were spiritually standing upright were filled with fear. It seemed as though they were fearing and thinking that we would harm them. Suddenly, something came from behind. It was like a flying fiery arrow or spear that was shot by a very tall man who was behind us. It came with a terrific sound and speed. On either side of the path were deep furrows. The sound of the flying spear scared them and many people fell into the furrows which swallowed and covered them completely. Only three people remained standing without any fear. Other people started coming and joined the three persons. Then a voice said, "These very ones are enough for me!" 

   I looked and saw that the three persons and those who joined them were standing by the door. A voice said, "The thing that scared the people was not a spear but God's voice which was telling them to enter." God said, "You are saying you want to be saved, but you have never heard or known my voice. KJV John 10: 27: "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me..." God said, "But as for you, I have seen that you terrified by my voice. How will you enter then?" That powerful voice was saying, "Enter through that door you people!" Unfortunately, people scampered and fell in the furrows and perished. Then God said, "Irene, those who are called are many but those who will enter are only a few. KJV Matthew 22: 14: "For many are called, but few are chosen."

   The three persons and few others who came to join them are God's children. They represent us. God said that if He came right now, we would not be saved. He would not take us home because we do not understand when He speaks to us. Sometimes, God's voice makes us weak when He is actually correcting us. But those few who remained, heard Jesus Christ's voice and entered because their eyes were fixed on Him. KJV Revelation 3: 20 says, "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me."

   As for me, I heard God's voice as a spear following me, but I did not look back. I just felt something pushing me to enter. Those who were standing on my Father's side fell down; the way figs fall when terribly shaken. God said, "You will fall on that day!" Brethren, we must stand very well and firm. This time around, we need to be very familiar with God's voice so that when He will speak to us in future, we will be able to endure and recognize it. He said, "You need to start encouraging each other to walk uprightly because the road has now become tough." God's true church will be ashamed when she fails to enter into His kingdom. Church leaders who have exalted themselves to higher positions where God has not set them, will be ashamed when they realize that they have been left out.  

   People who were at the rainbow are those who are holding on to God's throne. They looked as if they were tied to the rainbow. Unfortunately, He said, "Even if you are right at the door, you will still fall if you do not hear my call." KJV Proverbs 1: 27-30: "When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you; Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me: For that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the LORD: They would none of my counsel: they despised all my reproof."

   God's voice moves like a fiery spear and is felt as lightning when it enters in you. As it moves like a spear, it comes for the sole purpose of piercing the sin that is in you. Just where the sin of gossiping or stealing is, the word pierces and then paralyzes it. But if you are not standing upright, you will run away from His voice when He is just telling you to stop committing sin. You will even start saying, "Why is Irene telling me to stop this and that yet she is doing the same thing?" If you are not wise, you can even miss hearing it. It can make you weak; it is not just easy to hear.

   The devil still has power to block God's voice. Satan can say, "This voice which is coming with such power will destroy what I have planted in this person." So he will block it. What prevented the people from hearing the voice that was inviting them to enter was the sin that was planted in them by the devil. God is showing us that even if we are near His throne, we are still sinners. When Jesus Christ comes, sinners will see Him as their enemy, so they will run away saying, "Why has He come? He will kill us!" KJV Revelation 6:16-17 "And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?" But the believers will be filled with joy. KJV Revelation 3: 12: "Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem...and I will write upon him my new name." If we think we will only repent when we hear the voice which says, "He who is holy, let him be holy still," then we are just wasting our time. Revelation 22: 11 "He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him be righteous still; he who is holy, let him be holy still." This message was short but very scary.

   When others are trying to encourage us to stand well, we tell them to leave us alone. KJV Proverbs 1: 24-26: "Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded; But ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof: I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh." I saw things that disturbed my mind. God saw you as people who had held each other well at that rainbow. But others did not want hence, they let go of their friends' hands who wanted to help them, saying, "Leave me! Is it jail? Can't you see that my hand is paining this side?" It seems like people were tied to that rainbow (God's throne), but when the shaking came, they fell off. The best is to hold each other in Christ; if not, we will perish. KJV Matthew 25: 30  "And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth."

   In this journey, we have to hold each other so that we are strengthened in times of falling away. If that unity was there, those people would have said to each other, "Listen, they are telling us to enter." Let us keep our friends busy with salvation even if they get angry with us. Others are saying, "Sister Irene is too persistent; she does not want us to be free." No friends! I am looking at the time we have reached. I am also forced to come to you, whether you like it or not. You have to hear it so that you will be convicted accordingly. When I am forced to tell you, and you refuse to hearken, then I will leave you. Moses used force, otherwise, everyone would have remained in Egypt and Pharaoh would have killed many. Galatians 6:2 says, "Bear one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ."

   A preacher of this time must persevere. The problem is that you do not want to be advised. Some are chosen to advise others on the issue of salvation. Let us push our friends unless they blatantly refuse. Let us move with God and the Holy Spirit. He who will fight our battle is Jesus Christ. He is the only one who can give us permission to enter in God's kingdom. Matthew 25: 34 states, "Then the King will say to those on His right side, 'Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.'"

   Those who were at the throne of God is His true church; the Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) Church. The three persons stand for a few among Seventh-day Adventists whose names are written in the book of life. Those who came to join the three persons are gentiles; the prostitutes, thieves, drunkards and non-Adventists. KJV John 10: 16: "And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd." If witches and wizards will be near God's throne, what about you pastors and elders! Where will you be at that time? God was showing how a Christian who knows the message in truth and reality may fall in the last days. That is spiritual backsliding. They may not stop you from working in the church, but in God's eyes, you are a backslider because you are failing to recognize His voice. But the gentiles will hear the voice telling them to enter. Jesus said in Matthew 21:31,32: "...assuredly, I say to you that tax collectors and harlots enter the kingdom of God before you. For John came to you in the way of righteousness, and you did not believe him; but tax collectors and harlots believed him; and when you saw it, you did not afterward relent and believe him."

   Those who have already missed His voice are just like shadows in God's eyes. God tells us that we are the salt of this world. But on that day, we will be saltless. KJV Matthew 5:13 states, "Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt has lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? It is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot by men." The time to listen to the Master's voice is now so that we will not miss it the day He will call us to  enter the new Jerusalem. We are lukewarm! God wants those who are hot. KJV Revelation 3: 15, 16: "I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth." Men like elders and pastors who are spiritually weak, will be the first ones to fall. Brethren, the time of shaking has come.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

अन्देखा मत करीये

"कया आप शादी शुदा हैं...कहीं आपके सम्भंद किसी गैर मर्द से तो नही किसी गैर ओरत से तो नहीं जरूर पडीये"

                          इफिसियों 5:33

पर तुम में से हर एक अपनी पत्नी से अपने समान प्रेम रखे, और पत्नी भी अपने पति का भय माने॥


वचन मे साफ साफ लिखा की पति पतनी से प्रेम रखे मगर

आजकल देखने को ये मिलता है की बहूत से शादी शुदा भाई बहिन बैक मे मोल मे फैकटरी मे काम करते है

अंजान लडके लडकियों के साथ तो कई बार हम एक दुसरे से घर की बात करते हैं दुख की या खुशी की
तो होता ये है की साथ काम करने से सबका एक प्यार सा बन जाता है और कही ये भी होता है की हम एक दुसरे की तरफ खीचने लगते है एक दुसरे को पसंद करने लगते हैं
और ये सब गंदी बाते शैतान हमारे मन मे डालता है की हम अपने पति को पतनी को धोखा देके प्यार वयार का चक्कर चलाते हैं

इसी तरह शैतान एक विशवाशी लडके लडकी को सत्य मार्ग से भटकाता है ताकी हम व्यभिचार मे पडके अपने आप को अपवित्र करे और दोशी ठहरे

प्रभु जी के आगे......मुझे इस बात का अच्छी तरह पता है की बहुत से भाई बहिन आज भी शादी शुदा होते हुये घर से बाहर गैर मर्द औरत के साथ प्रेम सम्भंध रखते हैं वो समझते हैं

किसी को कुछ पता नही और सून होकर व्यभिचार करने मे लगे हुये हैं
और वो ये भूल गये की जिस को हमने अपना उद्धार कर्ता  स्वीकार किया है
वो हमको हर समय देखता रहता है

पति पत्नी से पत्नी पति से चोरी चोरी फ़ोन पर बाते करती हैं फैस बुक पर वट्सएप पर मैसीज करते हैं पति पतनी से पत्नी पति से तो छुपा सकते हैं

मगर जो सबको स्वर्ग से देखता रहता है उससे कैसे बचोगे पति को पत्नी से पतनी को पति से प्यार से ईमानदारी से प्रभु जी मे रह के जीवन जीना है

 किसी की सुंदरता को पैसे को देख के उसके साथ सम्भंध मत बनाइए और शैतान के बहकावे मे आके कुछ गैर मर्द गैर औरत से सम्भंध मत बनाओ

नहीं तो प्रभु जी आपसे सम्भंध तोड़ देंगे 

इस लिए सच्चाई इमानदारी से पवित्रता मे रह के अपना जीवन वचन के अनूसार जीओ
ये ही आपके और आपके परिवार के लिए अच्छा है.....

अगर कोई भाई बहिन शादी शुदा होते हुये भी गैर मर्द गैर औरत के साथ सम्भंध मे है तो आज ही इस बुराई से मन फिराऐं और अपना जीवन पवित्रता से जीऐं..

प्रभु जी आपको आशीश दे----

जय मसीह की

Saturday, May 16, 2020

God Makes Coats of Skins for Adam and Eve

(Gen 3:20–21) And Adam called his wife’s name Eve; because she was the mother of all living. To Adam also and to his wife did Jehovah God make coats of skins, and clothed them.

In this image of ‘To Adam also and to his wife did Jehovah God make coats of skins, and clothed them,’ what kind of role does God play when He is with Adam and Eve? Under what kind of role does God appear in a world with only two human beings? As the role of God? Brothers and sisters from Hong Kong, please answer. (As the role of a parent.) Brothers and sisters from South Korea, what kind of role do you think God appears as? (Head of the family.) Brothers and sisters from Taiwan, what do you think? (The role of someone in Adam and Eve’s family, the role of a family member.) Some of you think God appears as a family member of Adam and Eve, while some say God appears as the head of the family and others say as a parent. All of these are very appropriate. But what is it that I’m getting at? God created these two people and treated them as His companions. As their only family, God looked after their living and also took care of their basic necessities. Here, God appears as a parent of Adam and Eve. While God does this, man does not see how lofty God is; he does not see God’s paramount supremacy, His mysteriousness, and especially not His wrath or majesty. All he sees is God’s humbleness, His affection, His concern for man and His responsibility and care toward him. The attitude and way in which God treated Adam and Eve is akin to how human parents show concern for their own children. It’s also like how human parents love, look after, and care for their own sons and daughters—real, visible, and tangible. Instead of putting Himself in a high and mighty position, God personally used skins to make clothing for man. It doesn’t matter whether this fur coat was used to cover their modesty or to shield them from the cold. In short, this clothing used to cover man’s body was personally made by God with His own hands. Rather than creating it simply through the thought or miraculous methods as people imagine, God had legitimately done something man thinks God could not and should not do. This may be a simple thing some might not even think as worthy of mentioning, but it also allows all those who follow God but were previously full of vague ideas about Him to gain an insight into His genuineness and loveliness, and to see His faithful and humble nature. It makes insufferably arrogant people who think they are high and mighty bow their conceited heads in shame in the face of God’s genuineness and humbleness. Here, God’s genuineness and humbleness further enables people to see how lovable He is. By contrast, the immense God, lovable God, and omnipotent God in people’s hearts is so small, unappealing, and unable to withstand even a single blow. When you see this verse and hear this story, do you look down upon God because He did such a thing? Some people might, but for others it will be the complete opposite. They will think God is genuine and lovable, and it is precisely God’s genuineness and loveliness that moves them. The more they see the real side of God, the more they can appreciate the true existence of God’s love, the importance of God in their hearts, and how He stands beside them at every moment.
At this point, we should link our discussion to the present. If God could do these various little things for the humans He created at the very beginning, even some things that people would never dare think of or expect, then could God do such things for the people of today? Some people say, “Yes!” Why is that? Because God’s essence is not fake, His loveliness is not fake. Because God’s essence truly exists and is not something added on by others, and certainly not something that modifies with changes in time, place, and eras. God’s genuineness and loveliness can truly be brought out through doing something people think is unremarkable and insignificant, something so small that people don’t even think He would ever do. God is not pretentious. There is no exaggeration, disguise, pride, or arrogance in His disposition and essence. He never boasts, but instead loves, shows concern for, looks after, and leads the human beings He created with a faithfulness and sincerity. No matter how much of it people can appreciate, feel, or see, God is absolutely doing these things. Would knowing that God has such an essence affect people’s love for Him? Would it influence their fear of God? I hope when you understand the real side of God you will grow even closer to Him and be able to even more truly appreciate His love and care for mankind, while at the same time also give your heart to God and no longer have any suspicions or doubts toward Him. God is quietly doing everything He is for man, doing it all silently through His sincerity, faithfulness, and love. But He never has any apprehension or regret for all that He does, nor does He ever need anyone to repay Him in any way or have intentions of ever obtaining anything from mankind. The only purpose of everything He has ever done is so He can receive mankind’s true faith and love."
Excerpted from “God’s Work, God’s Disposition, and God Himself I”

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