Friday, May 15, 2020


But the LORD said to Moses and Aaron, "Because you did not trust in me enough to honor me as holy in the sight of the Israelites, you will not bring this community into the land I give them."
           ~ Numbers 20:12 

Earthly achievements usually come with temptations. Leadership, Wealth, Politics and other successes lead achievers into vulnerable situations for temptations. Fearing competition can cause murder, wealth bring formication and arrogance....and so on.

Usually temptations lead to sinning, which affect our relationship with God. Like what happened to Moses in today's Scripture.

In this tragic moment Moses forfeited one of the greatest privileges that could have been his, that is leading the Israelites to the promised land. Just because he failed to control his temper, his most obvious character flaw. He ignored what God told him to do to get water. Instead, in anger he did it his way.

Do you have a fatal flaw — one weakness that could undo all your dreams if you give in to it? Most of us do. But by recognizing it and facing it squarely, we can take precautions to prevent ourselves from giving in to it. And we can ask God to help us to avoid the temptations that weaken our resolve.

            ~ PRAYER ~
Almighty Father, Thank You for all the successes You have given us in this world. Dear Lord, we need to be achievers in life. Let The Holy Spirit Help us to overcome all the temptations in whichever way they come. In Jesus Name. Amen .

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