Brothers and sisters in Christ, our channel is filled with songs of praise and worship, prayers, and all this brings your faith closer to Almighty God. Please like and comment and share the channel "Faith by the spirit by God" With faith in God we can see miracles, God bless you all. Please send your prayer request via our Facebook page, Whats App or YouTube comments Daily prayer time as given below Morning prayer daily at 6 AM Prayers daily at 8 PM Indian stranded Time
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Monday, May 18, 2020
Sunday, May 17, 2020
जीवन की रोटी
परम प्रधान परमात्मा परमेश्वर कहते हैं कि जीवन और मृत्यु को मैने तुम्हारे साम्हने रखा है तुम जिसे चुनना चाहो चुनलो फैसला तुम्हारा, हमारे इस अविनाशी जीवन का मूल स्रोत, सृजनहार, परम प्रधान परमात्मा परमेश्वर और उसकी जीवदायी आज्ञाएँ अथवा परमेश्वर की श्रिष्टी, अर्थात नाशवान, निरे भौतिक मनुष्य और उनकी अपनी सांसारिक परम्पराएं, किसे मानना है किसका भय खाना है, चुनाव आपका।।
क्योंकि पवित्र शास्त्र बाइबिल तो हमें स्पष्ट रीति से चेतावनी देकर कहता है कि-
जो शरीर को घात करते हैं, पर आत्मा को घात नहीं कर सकते, उनसे मत डरना; पर उसी से डरो, जो आत्मा और शरीर दोनों को नरक में नष्ट कर सकता है। मत्ती 10:28*
क्योंकि जीविते परमेश्वर के हाथ में पड़ना अति भयानक होता है
इब्रानियों 10:31
अतिप्रिय बन्धुओं परम प्रधान परमात्मा परमेश्वर का धन्यवाद हो इस उत्तम वचन के लिए और उसकी महिमा का गुणानुवाद युगानुयुग तक होता रहे क्योंकि वो भला है और करुणा सदा की है।।।
प्रियजनों अधिकांशतः हमारे जीवन मे अचानक से कुछ ऐसे मोड़ आ जाते हैं जहां हमें तुरंत ही ये निर्णय लेना होता है कि, परमेश्वर या मनुष्य और उसकी परम्पराएं एवं रीति रिवाज
और ऐसे मोड़ प्रत्येक मनुष्यों के जीवन में कई कई बार आते है, मुझे तो कई बार ऐसा लगता है कि मन को जांचने और ह्रदय को परखने वाला परमेश्वर जानबूझ कर इन परिस्थितियों को हमारे जीवनों में आने देता है ताकि हम खरे उतरें ।।
परंतु वहीं दूसरी ओर अधिकांशतः मनुष्य यहीं पर चूक कर जाता है, क्योंकि उसकी अपनी सोच के मुताबिक, जो कि उसकी अपनी भावनाओं पर केंद्रित विचारधाराओं से ओतप्रोत होती हैं, (क्योंकि मनुष्य एक भावनात्मक प्राणी होता है) सो अपनी इन्हीं भावनाओं से भरी सोच और मानसिकता और मान्यताओं के मुताबिक मनुष्य यह मान लेता है कि हमारा परिवार, खानदान, समाज जो 24 घंटे हमारे साथ रहता है जिनके लिए हम जी रहे हैं उनकी पहिले सुनना जरूरी है, सुख चैन से जीने के लिए (जबकि सच्चा सुख और चैन तो केवल परमेश्वर की ओर से मिलता है और वो ही उसमें चिर स्थिरता प्रदान करता है)।।। विडंबना है ये या कुछ और कि मनुष्य अपने वास्तविक सुखों के मूल श्रोत को ही नहीं जानता और पहिचानता हैं अर्थात उसका ज्ञान ही नहीं रखता कहूँ तो अतिशयोक्ति ना होगी, क्योंकि वो इनकी भौतिक आँखों से नजर नहीं आता इसीलिए तो परमेश्वर स्वयं कहते हैं कि -
मेरे ज्ञान के न होने से मेरी प्रजा नाश हो गई; तू ने मेरे ज्ञान को तुच्छ जाना है, इसलिये मैं तुझे अपना याजक रहने के अयोग्य ठहराऊंगा। और इसलिये कि तू ने अपने परमेश्वर की व्यवस्था को तज दिया है, मैं भी तेरे लड़के-बालों को छोड़ दूंगा।
(होशे 4:6)
अति स्पष्ट है कि जो परमेश्वर का ज्ञान रखता है वो मनुष्यों कि परम्पराओं, तीज त्योहारों और तत्व ज्ञान से परे परमेश्वर कि व्यवस्था उसके नियम कानूनों से प्रेम करेगा lll
परन्तु यहाँ तो मनुष्यों की सोच बिलकुल उल्टी दिखती है वे सोचते हैं क्योंकि परमेश्वर तो बहुत दूर स्वर्ग में रहते हैं उन्हें तो हम कभी भी मना लेंगे जिनके बीच में हमें रहना है उन्हें खुश रखना जरूरी है, परन्तु स्मरण रखें कि वो तो सर्वव्याप्त है, हर पल, हर समय हर कहीं अर्थात तुम्हारे सबसे करीब, वरन जिसने उसे सम्पूर्ण आत्मा से आत्मसात किया है उनके तो अंदर भी बसता है, बस जरूरत है तो एक निश्छल, निष्कपट ,सीधे ,सच्चे और सरल, ह्रदय की, जो उसे हर एक पल अपने भीत में अनुभूति अर्थात महसूसने पाए, क्योंकि वो तो परम पवित्र परम आत्मा है वो पाप के साथ वास नहीं करता क्योंकि पाप से तो उसे घ्रणा है, परंतु हम पापियों से अथाह सागर से भी गहरा प्रेम है उसे और जहां सिर्फ प्रेम ही प्रेम है वहां वो रहता है, निःसंदेह उसकी पवित्र उपस्थिति वहीं होती है क्योंकि वह स्वयं सर्व सिद्ध अनंत कलिक प्रेम है।।।
अतिप्रिय बन्धुओं क्योंकि हम उसे जानते नहीं इसलिए उसे मानते नहीं, मानते भी हैं तो अज्ञानतावश, भावनात्मक तौर से कि वो तो कण कण में है इसलिए सबमें वो व्याप्त है कहीं भी किसी को भी पूज लो वो ही मिलेगा, यह बात तो उनके लिए जिन्होंने उसे पा लिया है अति मूर्खतापूर्ण एवं हास्यापद है, क्योंकि
उसकी अपनी श्रष्टी में हम उसकी कलाकृति और अद्भुद ज्ञान का समावेश तो देख सकते हैं परन्तु उसके स्वरूप को नहीं क्योंकि वो अपनी ही सृष्टि से सर्वथा भिन्न है और उसका अस्तित्व भी हम सबसे भिन्न है वो सर्व व्यापी तो है परंतु अशुद्ध अर्थात पाप अर्थात किसी भी प्रकार के बंधनों से मुक्त है इसीलिए वो सबमें नही है परन्तु सब जगह वो मौजूद है अर्थात सर्वव्याप्त है, क्योंकि वो तो अद्भुद है अनोखा और सर्वश्रेष्ठ है सर्वसिद्ध, निष्पाप निष्कलंक और निर्दोष है वो, उसके लिए सब कुछ संभव है खुद की बनाई हुई समय सीमाओं से परे उन्मुक्त सारे समयों का वो सबका स्वामी है, वो तो अपनी ही मन मर्जी का मालिक हम सब उसकी श्रिष्टि मात्र हैं, सचमुच हम तो निमित्त मात्र हैं ।।
हमें उसे समझने के लिए अनुग्रह और समझ भी वो ही देता है वह भी पवित्रात्मा के दान स्वरूप, इसीलिए तो इस आत्मा के बारे में परम प्रधान परमात्मा परमेश्वर का सनातन सत्य और जीवंत वचन अति स्पष्ट रीति से उद्घोषणा करते हुए कहता है कि -
यहोवा की आत्मा, बुद्धि और समझ की आत्मा, युक्ति और पराक्रम की आत्मा, और ज्ञान और यहोवा के भय की आत्मा उस पर ठहरी रहेगी।
(यशायाह 11:2)
अर्थात जिस किसी पर यह आत्मा ठहरेगी सो ही उसे अनुभूति करने पाता है जान पाता है, अर्थात उस परम धन्य परमेश्वर को महसूसने के लिए उसका आत्मा (पवित्रात्मा)
जो हममें तभी वास करते हैं जब हम उसी एक के अनुग्रह से अपने पाप स्वभाव से मन फिराकर प्रभु येशुआ जो मसीह कहलाया के सनातन सत्य और सिद्ध नाम से जल और आत्मा से नये जन्म की परालौकिक परम अनुभूति को प्राप्त कर लें।।।।
अफसोस होता है कि, अज्ञानता वश मनुष्य अपनी निराधार सांसारिक शारीरिक भावनाओं के चलते भारी भूल में पड़ जाता है, कई बार और मनुष्यों को खुश करने के चक्कर में परमेश्वर के अतिभयंकर कोप का भागी हो जाता है।।
देखिए हमें सबसे पहिले तो ये जानना होगा कि ये मानव समाज और उसकी परम्पराएं यम नियम, कर्म काण्ड, विधिविधान, साँख्य सब कुछ मनुष्यों के सीमित मष्तिष्क और उनकी अपनी सीमित बुद्धि और ज्ञान की वे उपज मात्र होती हैं जिनके द्वारा मनुष्य स्वर्ग के दरवाजों को खोलने की बात तो बहुत दूर उन्हें खटखटा भी नही सकता है, वरन इन परम्पराओं के द्वारा स्वर्ग के दरवाजों को तो वो छू भी नही सकता है,
तो इन परम्पराओं मान्यताओं भावनाओं से वो परमेश्वर, जो सबमें सब कुछ कर सकते है, उन्हें कैसे प्रसन्न कर सकता है???
क्योंकि मनुष्यों की बुद्धिमानी भी परमेश्वर के सम्मुख मूर्खता ठहरती है ।।
ऐसे में भलाई तो सिर्फ इसी में है कि निरंतर प्रयास करें कि किसी भी तरह से हम केवल अपने सृजनहार परमेश्वर को खुश कर सकें, चाहे इसके लिए हमें असंख्यों समाज और उसकी इन बेतुकी, रीति रिवाजों और परम्पराओं का त्याग ही क्यों न करना पड़े।।।
परंतु विडंबना ही कहलो या कुछ औऱ कि प्रत्येक मनुष्यों की उनकी अपनी उल्टी खोपड़ी में ठीक उल्टी ही सोच उत्पन्न होती है, इसके कई कारण हो सकते हैं जैसे कि उदाहरण के लिए,
उस परम पवित्र परमात्मा परमेश्वर से अपने निज संबंधों को सही तरीके से और विधिवत रूप से स्थापित नही कर पाना, वह भी अपने जन्म स्वभाव रूपी पाप के चलते,
और इसीलिए छटपटाहट में वे खुद अपनी ही बुद्धि से पाप स्वभाव से मुक्ति का साधन या विधि ढूंढ लेते हैं, और असफल होने पर इसके प्रति उदासीन होकर, परमेश्वर से दूरी बना लेते हैं, और फिर मानव मात्र से अथवा अपने समाज जैसे मनुष्यकृत व्यवस्था से चिपक जाते हैं एक गोंच कि तरह क्योंकि उसी से उनका भरण पोषण होता है सो अपने समाज पर परमेश्वर से भी ज्यादा निर्भर हो जाते हैं।।
क्योंकि मनुष्य तो एक सामाजिक प्राणी होता है जो सिर्फ अपने स्वार्थ और अपनी निजी भावनाओं की संतुष्टि के लिए ही तो जीता है सो ही वो ऐसा करता है ऐसा कहना अतिश्योक्ति ना होगी।।
अगर उसे किसी वस्तु की आवश्यकता ही नहीं होती तो अपने में ही मस्त रह लेता है मनुष्य।।
अधिकांशतः मनुष्य स्वभाववश परमेश्वर से भी अपने इसी स्वार्थ के लिए अर्थात आवश्यकताओं की पूर्ति के लिए जुड़ता है, क्योंकि वो इतना तो जानता है कि ,,
जो मनुष्यों से भी नहीं हो सकता वो परमेश्वर से हो सकता है
तो कुल मिलाकर छोटी मोटी आवश्यकताओं के लिए समाज चाहिए बड़ी बड़ी आवश्यकताओं के लिए परमेश्वर, कुल मिलाकर स्वार्थ स्वार्थ और स्वार्थ, स्वार्थ के बिना सब कुछ अधूरा है, क्योंकि स्वार्थ से ही उसका जीवन चलता है इनके लिए परोपकार तो फालतू के लोगों का काम है अर्थात बुद्धिहीन मुट्ठी भर साधू संतों का जिन्हें जीना नहीं आता क्योंकि मनुष्य और उसके जीवन के लिए स्वार्थ ही इनका कुल देवता है जो इनके ऊपर चढ़ने की सीढ़ी होती है, इन स्वार्थियों के लिए उदारता तो हर दूसरे इंसान में होना ही चाहिए ताकि इन्हे सब कुछ मिलता रहे परन्तु खुद इनमें तो केवल स्वार्थ ही जिसके चलते वो सब कुछ पा सकें।।।
प्रिय जनों यही हर उस मनुष्य की सोच होती है जो अपने सृजनहार को नहीं जानता lll
परंतु स्मरण रहे परमेश्वर ने मनुष्य को सृजते वक्त ऐसा सृजा नहीं था परन्तु कालांतर में पाप स्वभाव में फंसकर ही मनुष्य ऐसा हो गया है क्योंकि पवित्र शास्त्र बाइबल भी हमें यही सिखाता है।।।
मनुष्य अपने इन निजी स्वार्थों के चक्कर में ये भूल जाता है कि, उसका इस जगत में आने का मकसद, इस बहुमूल्य जीवन को पाने का मूल उद्देश्य, सिर्फ और सिर्फ अपने इस पाप स्वभाव से मुक्ति पाना, उद्धार पाना है।।।
अर्थात वो ये भूल जाता है कि, हमने जो ये जीवन पाया है, वो किसी और की अमानत है, इसे उसी एक की सिद्ध इच्छा के अनुरूप जीकर उसे सौंप देना ही हमारा परम कर्तव्य और एक मात्र उद्देश्य होना चाहिए ।।।
इस एक मात्र परम उद्देश्य को प्राप्त करने के लिए ही, हम इस जगत में भेजे गए हैं ऐसा कहना अतिश्योक्ति ना होगी।।
जैसा कि भगवत गीता में लिखा है कि,
ईह लोकं मुक्ति द्वारं
अर्थात यही लोक मुक्ति का द्वार है अर्थात इस जीवन को व्यर्थगवां देने के पश्चात अनन्त काल तक नरक की आग में सड़ना ही बाकी रह जाता है अर्थात अनंन्त म्रत्यु को प्राप्त करना जीवन की सारी उम्मीदें खत्म , इसी एक बात की स्पष्ट उदघोषणा अनेको स्थानों में हम पवित्रशास्त्र बाइबिल में पाते हैं जैसे कि प्रभु येशू मसीह कहते हैं जब तक (पैदा होने के बाद इसी जीवन में)मनुष्य नए सिरे से न जन्मे (अर्थात जल और आत्मा से न जन्मे )स्वर्ग के राज्य में प्रवेश नहीं कर सकता ।।।
(यूहन्ना 3:1-10 ध्यान पूर्वक पढ़ें)lll
इसीलिए अति प्रिय बन्धुओं इस जीवन के पश्चात स्वर्ग के राज्य में प्रवेश करना ही मनुष्य का मुख्य लक्छ्य होना चाहिए ,जिसके लिए सर्वलोकाधिपति परम प्रधान पमात्मा परमेश्वर को प्रसन्न करना उसकी आज्ञाओं को मानना उसके अनुग्रह को प्राप्त करने हेतु उसी के अनुरूप जीवन निर्वाह करना एक मनुष्य की प्राथमिकता होनी चाहिए, क्योंकि इन मनुष्यकृत परम्पराओं एवं समाजों में से कोई भी आपको स्वर्ग की ओर एक कदम भी चलाने में असमर्थ होते हैं ।।।
अरे अपने इस जीवन को ही लें क्या कोई भी मनुष्य या समाज या यम नियम या परम्पराएं साँख्य योग तपस्या कुछ भी करके या अपनी सोच और शुभ चिंता से अथवा आपकी सहायता करके या अपनी खुद की ताकत से आपके जीवन की घड़ी को बढाने या घटाने मैं सच्छम है??? कदापि और कदाचित नहीं क्योंकि ये तो परम प्रधान पमात्मा परमेश्वर के अतिरिक्त किसी के लिए भी अनहोना है।।।
फिर हम क्यों अपनी मूर्खताओं को प्राथमिकता दें,
हम क्यों उनका भय खाएं जो हमारा कुछ भी नहीं बिगाड़ सकते सिवाय इस शरीर का नाश करने के जिसका नाश कभी न कभी तो होना ही है क्योंकि कोई भी मनुष्य सदा काल के लिए इस नाशवान शरीर में रह ही नहीं सकता यही सम्पूर्ण सत्य है।।।मनुष्य या समाज अपने क्रोध में आकर इस शरीर को समय के पहिले समाप्त कर सकता है जिसे हत्या कहते हैं जिसका की दंड अति भयानक होता है हमारी सोच से भी परे।।।
हम क्यों न उस एक के भय में होकर जियें जो न केवल भौतिक रीति से हमारे जीवन को तो समाप्त कर सकने में सकच्छम है ही वरन अनन्त काल तक के लिए हमें नरक की असहनीय वेदना अर्थात अनंन्त म्रत्यु दंड देने में भी सकच्छम है ,क्योंकि वो सृजनहार परमेश्वर है वो सबमें सब कुछ कर सकता है उसके लिए कुछ भी असंभव नहीं हैं।।।
उसका प्रेम जितना महान है कहीं उससे अति भयंकर है उसके कोप का भाजन होना जीविते परमेश्वर के हाथों में पड़ना अति भयंकर होता है (जैसा कि हिदू मत में भी अक्सर कहा जाता है कि उसकी मार जिसमें आवाज भी नहीं होती अति भयंकर होती है)।।
अतिप्रिय बन्धुओं कुलमिलाकर हम जिस समाज में रह रहे हैं उसी में रहते हुए अपने सृजनहार परमेश्वर को प्राथमिकता देना सीखें,प्रारम्भ में हमें कठिनाइयों का सामना करना पड़ सकता है,परंतु धीरे धीरे समाज में आप फिर से अपनी जगह बना लेंगे जब समाज आपको भली भांति समझने लगेगा परंतु समाज के लिए परमेश्वर से पंगा ना ही लें तो बेहतर होगा आपके अपने एक ही बार प्राप्त होने वाले इस बहुमूल्य जीवन के लिए ।।।
इसीलिए पवित्र शास्त्र बाइबिल में संत पौलुस कहते हैं कि , मैं परमेश्वर के विरुद्ध उठने वाली प्रत्येक भावनाओं को अपने पैरों तले कुचल डालता हूँ
यही प्रत्येक विश्वासियों का प्रथम कर्तव्य कर्म होना चाहिए ,बेहतर होगा कि हम जीवित सच्चे परमेश्वर को अपनी बेतुकी झूटी मानवीय भावनाओं से तौलने या मापने की भयंकर भूल ना करें, क्योंकि बाइबिल हमें सिखाता है कि भावना में बहकर हमारे सर्वांग दहन बलि करने से भी उसकी आज्ञाओं को मानना ही सर्वोपरि होता है ,यही पवित्र शास्त्र बाइबिल हमें चेतावनी के साथ सिखाता है।।।
प्रिय जनों प्रभु येशू मसीह का द्वितीय आगमन अति निकट है ,हमें पवित्रता के साथ उसके आगमन की बाट जोहना चाहिये ताकि हम अनन्त काल तक उसी के संग रह सकें।
इन वचनों के द्वारा परमेश्वर आपको बहुतायक की आशीष दें।।।आमीन फिर आमीन।।।
अन्देखा मत करीये
"कया आप शादी शुदा हैं...कहीं आपके सम्भंद किसी गैर मर्द से तो नही किसी गैर ओरत से तो नहीं जरूर पडीये"
इफिसियों 5:33
पर तुम में से हर एक अपनी पत्नी से अपने समान प्रेम रखे, और पत्नी भी अपने पति का भय माने॥
वचन मे साफ साफ लिखा की पति पतनी से प्रेम रखे मगर
आजकल देखने को ये मिलता है की बहूत से शादी शुदा भाई बहिन बैक मे मोल मे फैकटरी मे काम करते है
अंजान लडके लडकियों के साथ तो कई बार हम एक दुसरे से घर की बात करते हैं दुख की या खुशी की
तो होता ये है की साथ काम करने से सबका एक प्यार सा बन जाता है और कही ये भी होता है की हम एक दुसरे की तरफ खीचने लगते है एक दुसरे को पसंद करने लगते हैं
और ये सब गंदी बाते शैतान हमारे मन मे डालता है की हम अपने पति को पतनी को धोखा देके प्यार वयार का चक्कर चलाते हैं
इसी तरह शैतान एक विशवाशी लडके लडकी को सत्य मार्ग से भटकाता है ताकी हम व्यभिचार मे पडके अपने आप को अपवित्र करे और दोशी ठहरे
प्रभु जी के आगे......मुझे इस बात का अच्छी तरह पता है की बहुत से भाई बहिन आज भी शादी शुदा होते हुये घर से बाहर गैर मर्द औरत के साथ प्रेम सम्भंध रखते हैं वो समझते हैं
किसी को कुछ पता नही और सून होकर व्यभिचार करने मे लगे हुये हैं
और वो ये भूल गये की जिस को हमने अपना उद्धार कर्ता स्वीकार किया है
वो हमको हर समय देखता रहता है
पति पत्नी से पत्नी पति से चोरी चोरी फ़ोन पर बाते करती हैं फैस बुक पर वट्सएप पर मैसीज करते हैं पति पतनी से पत्नी पति से तो छुपा सकते हैं
मगर जो सबको स्वर्ग से देखता रहता है उससे कैसे बचोगे पति को पत्नी से पतनी को पति से प्यार से ईमानदारी से प्रभु जी मे रह के जीवन जीना है
किसी की सुंदरता को पैसे को देख के उसके साथ सम्भंध मत बनाइए और शैतान के बहकावे मे आके कुछ गैर मर्द गैर औरत से सम्भंध मत बनाओ
नहीं तो प्रभु जी आपसे सम्भंध तोड़ देंगे
इस लिए सच्चाई इमानदारी से पवित्रता मे रह के अपना जीवन वचन के अनूसार जीओ
ये ही आपके और आपके परिवार के लिए अच्छा है.....
अगर कोई भाई बहिन शादी शुदा होते हुये भी गैर मर्द गैर औरत के साथ सम्भंध मे है तो आज ही इस बुराई से मन फिराऐं और अपना जीवन पवित्रता से जीऐं..
प्रभु जी आपको आशीश दे----
जय मसीह की
इफिसियों 5:33
पर तुम में से हर एक अपनी पत्नी से अपने समान प्रेम रखे, और पत्नी भी अपने पति का भय माने॥
वचन मे साफ साफ लिखा की पति पतनी से प्रेम रखे मगर
आजकल देखने को ये मिलता है की बहूत से शादी शुदा भाई बहिन बैक मे मोल मे फैकटरी मे काम करते है
अंजान लडके लडकियों के साथ तो कई बार हम एक दुसरे से घर की बात करते हैं दुख की या खुशी की
तो होता ये है की साथ काम करने से सबका एक प्यार सा बन जाता है और कही ये भी होता है की हम एक दुसरे की तरफ खीचने लगते है एक दुसरे को पसंद करने लगते हैं
और ये सब गंदी बाते शैतान हमारे मन मे डालता है की हम अपने पति को पतनी को धोखा देके प्यार वयार का चक्कर चलाते हैं
इसी तरह शैतान एक विशवाशी लडके लडकी को सत्य मार्ग से भटकाता है ताकी हम व्यभिचार मे पडके अपने आप को अपवित्र करे और दोशी ठहरे
प्रभु जी के आगे......मुझे इस बात का अच्छी तरह पता है की बहुत से भाई बहिन आज भी शादी शुदा होते हुये घर से बाहर गैर मर्द औरत के साथ प्रेम सम्भंध रखते हैं वो समझते हैं
किसी को कुछ पता नही और सून होकर व्यभिचार करने मे लगे हुये हैं
और वो ये भूल गये की जिस को हमने अपना उद्धार कर्ता स्वीकार किया है
वो हमको हर समय देखता रहता है
पति पत्नी से पत्नी पति से चोरी चोरी फ़ोन पर बाते करती हैं फैस बुक पर वट्सएप पर मैसीज करते हैं पति पतनी से पत्नी पति से तो छुपा सकते हैं
मगर जो सबको स्वर्ग से देखता रहता है उससे कैसे बचोगे पति को पत्नी से पतनी को पति से प्यार से ईमानदारी से प्रभु जी मे रह के जीवन जीना है
किसी की सुंदरता को पैसे को देख के उसके साथ सम्भंध मत बनाइए और शैतान के बहकावे मे आके कुछ गैर मर्द गैर औरत से सम्भंध मत बनाओ
नहीं तो प्रभु जी आपसे सम्भंध तोड़ देंगे
इस लिए सच्चाई इमानदारी से पवित्रता मे रह के अपना जीवन वचन के अनूसार जीओ
ये ही आपके और आपके परिवार के लिए अच्छा है.....
अगर कोई भाई बहिन शादी शुदा होते हुये भी गैर मर्द गैर औरत के साथ सम्भंध मे है तो आज ही इस बुराई से मन फिराऐं और अपना जीवन पवित्रता से जीऐं..
प्रभु जी आपको आशीश दे----
जय मसीह की
Saturday, May 16, 2020
"When men are cast down, then thou shalt say, There is lifting up; and he shall save the humble person" (JOB 22:29).
Sometimes, we think we have a better knowledge of what God commands than others. Worse still, we inadvertently erect a standard of expectation for others far beyond what God demands. Some people feel good doing this because they believe they are helping them. But in reality, they are destroying whatever little faith in God others have left.
Such was the effect of the words of Job's friend, Eliphaz. When he started his speech, he commended Job for all the good and notable things he had done. But soon, he began to hint that there may be need for him to repent from some unknown sins. He urged him to turn to God and be forgiven.
Thereafter, he would begin to prosper greatly; the Almighty shall protect him, and he would delight in God. When he prays, God would hear; whatever he decrees shall be done. God would shine His light on him; lift him up and save him from all his troubles. These are truths; only that they did not apply to Job and his circumstances.
Many injuries have been inflicted as a result of rash judgments and insinuations that are totally untrue. Some young believers in faith have had to backslide as a result of receiving condemnation from those whose duty it is to make them grounded in faith.
We must ensure at all times that we do not condemn those God has justified. Even when we see people suffering from many adversities, we must not hastily assume that it is because of their sins. Of course, where we see obvious sins, we should encourage them to repent and turn to God. But if they are living as believers, we should assure them of the unfailing promises of God and affirm to them His faithfulness to help His children.
God Makes Coats of Skins for Adam and Eve
(Gen 3:20–21) And Adam called his wife’s name Eve; because she was the mother of all living. To Adam also and to his wife did Jehovah God make coats of skins, and clothed them.
In this image of ‘To Adam also and to his wife did Jehovah God make coats of skins, and clothed them,’ what kind of role does God play when He is with Adam and Eve? Under what kind of role does God appear in a world with only two human beings? As the role of God? Brothers and sisters from Hong Kong, please answer. (As the role of a parent.) Brothers and sisters from South Korea, what kind of role do you think God appears as? (Head of the family.) Brothers and sisters from Taiwan, what do you think? (The role of someone in Adam and Eve’s family, the role of a family member.) Some of you think God appears as a family member of Adam and Eve, while some say God appears as the head of the family and others say as a parent. All of these are very appropriate. But what is it that I’m getting at? God created these two people and treated them as His companions. As their only family, God looked after their living and also took care of their basic necessities. Here, God appears as a parent of Adam and Eve. While God does this, man does not see how lofty God is; he does not see God’s paramount supremacy, His mysteriousness, and especially not His wrath or majesty. All he sees is God’s humbleness, His affection, His concern for man and His responsibility and care toward him. The attitude and way in which God treated Adam and Eve is akin to how human parents show concern for their own children. It’s also like how human parents love, look after, and care for their own sons and daughters—real, visible, and tangible. Instead of putting Himself in a high and mighty position, God personally used skins to make clothing for man. It doesn’t matter whether this fur coat was used to cover their modesty or to shield them from the cold. In short, this clothing used to cover man’s body was personally made by God with His own hands. Rather than creating it simply through the thought or miraculous methods as people imagine, God had legitimately done something man thinks God could not and should not do. This may be a simple thing some might not even think as worthy of mentioning, but it also allows all those who follow God but were previously full of vague ideas about Him to gain an insight into His genuineness and loveliness, and to see His faithful and humble nature. It makes insufferably arrogant people who think they are high and mighty bow their conceited heads in shame in the face of God’s genuineness and humbleness. Here, God’s genuineness and humbleness further enables people to see how lovable He is. By contrast, the immense God, lovable God, and omnipotent God in people’s hearts is so small, unappealing, and unable to withstand even a single blow. When you see this verse and hear this story, do you look down upon God because He did such a thing? Some people might, but for others it will be the complete opposite. They will think God is genuine and lovable, and it is precisely God’s genuineness and loveliness that moves them. The more they see the real side of God, the more they can appreciate the true existence of God’s love, the importance of God in their hearts, and how He stands beside them at every moment.
At this point, we should link our discussion to the present. If God could do these various little things for the humans He created at the very beginning, even some things that people would never dare think of or expect, then could God do such things for the people of today? Some people say, “Yes!” Why is that? Because God’s essence is not fake, His loveliness is not fake. Because God’s essence truly exists and is not something added on by others, and certainly not something that modifies with changes in time, place, and eras. God’s genuineness and loveliness can truly be brought out through doing something people think is unremarkable and insignificant, something so small that people don’t even think He would ever do. God is not pretentious. There is no exaggeration, disguise, pride, or arrogance in His disposition and essence. He never boasts, but instead loves, shows concern for, looks after, and leads the human beings He created with a faithfulness and sincerity. No matter how much of it people can appreciate, feel, or see, God is absolutely doing these things. Would knowing that God has such an essence affect people’s love for Him? Would it influence their fear of God? I hope when you understand the real side of God you will grow even closer to Him and be able to even more truly appreciate His love and care for mankind, while at the same time also give your heart to God and no longer have any suspicions or doubts toward Him. God is quietly doing everything He is for man, doing it all silently through His sincerity, faithfulness, and love. But He never has any apprehension or regret for all that He does, nor does He ever need anyone to repay Him in any way or have intentions of ever obtaining anything from mankind. The only purpose of everything He has ever done is so He can receive mankind’s true faith and love."
Excerpted from “God’s Work, God’s Disposition, and God Himself I”
In this image of ‘To Adam also and to his wife did Jehovah God make coats of skins, and clothed them,’ what kind of role does God play when He is with Adam and Eve? Under what kind of role does God appear in a world with only two human beings? As the role of God? Brothers and sisters from Hong Kong, please answer. (As the role of a parent.) Brothers and sisters from South Korea, what kind of role do you think God appears as? (Head of the family.) Brothers and sisters from Taiwan, what do you think? (The role of someone in Adam and Eve’s family, the role of a family member.) Some of you think God appears as a family member of Adam and Eve, while some say God appears as the head of the family and others say as a parent. All of these are very appropriate. But what is it that I’m getting at? God created these two people and treated them as His companions. As their only family, God looked after their living and also took care of their basic necessities. Here, God appears as a parent of Adam and Eve. While God does this, man does not see how lofty God is; he does not see God’s paramount supremacy, His mysteriousness, and especially not His wrath or majesty. All he sees is God’s humbleness, His affection, His concern for man and His responsibility and care toward him. The attitude and way in which God treated Adam and Eve is akin to how human parents show concern for their own children. It’s also like how human parents love, look after, and care for their own sons and daughters—real, visible, and tangible. Instead of putting Himself in a high and mighty position, God personally used skins to make clothing for man. It doesn’t matter whether this fur coat was used to cover their modesty or to shield them from the cold. In short, this clothing used to cover man’s body was personally made by God with His own hands. Rather than creating it simply through the thought or miraculous methods as people imagine, God had legitimately done something man thinks God could not and should not do. This may be a simple thing some might not even think as worthy of mentioning, but it also allows all those who follow God but were previously full of vague ideas about Him to gain an insight into His genuineness and loveliness, and to see His faithful and humble nature. It makes insufferably arrogant people who think they are high and mighty bow their conceited heads in shame in the face of God’s genuineness and humbleness. Here, God’s genuineness and humbleness further enables people to see how lovable He is. By contrast, the immense God, lovable God, and omnipotent God in people’s hearts is so small, unappealing, and unable to withstand even a single blow. When you see this verse and hear this story, do you look down upon God because He did such a thing? Some people might, but for others it will be the complete opposite. They will think God is genuine and lovable, and it is precisely God’s genuineness and loveliness that moves them. The more they see the real side of God, the more they can appreciate the true existence of God’s love, the importance of God in their hearts, and how He stands beside them at every moment.
At this point, we should link our discussion to the present. If God could do these various little things for the humans He created at the very beginning, even some things that people would never dare think of or expect, then could God do such things for the people of today? Some people say, “Yes!” Why is that? Because God’s essence is not fake, His loveliness is not fake. Because God’s essence truly exists and is not something added on by others, and certainly not something that modifies with changes in time, place, and eras. God’s genuineness and loveliness can truly be brought out through doing something people think is unremarkable and insignificant, something so small that people don’t even think He would ever do. God is not pretentious. There is no exaggeration, disguise, pride, or arrogance in His disposition and essence. He never boasts, but instead loves, shows concern for, looks after, and leads the human beings He created with a faithfulness and sincerity. No matter how much of it people can appreciate, feel, or see, God is absolutely doing these things. Would knowing that God has such an essence affect people’s love for Him? Would it influence their fear of God? I hope when you understand the real side of God you will grow even closer to Him and be able to even more truly appreciate His love and care for mankind, while at the same time also give your heart to God and no longer have any suspicions or doubts toward Him. God is quietly doing everything He is for man, doing it all silently through His sincerity, faithfulness, and love. But He never has any apprehension or regret for all that He does, nor does He ever need anyone to repay Him in any way or have intentions of ever obtaining anything from mankind. The only purpose of everything He has ever done is so He can receive mankind’s true faith and love."
Excerpted from “God’s Work, God’s Disposition, and God Himself I”
Friday, May 15, 2020
But the LORD said to Moses and Aaron, "Because you did not trust in me enough to honor me as holy in the sight of the Israelites, you will not bring this community into the land I give them."
~ Numbers 20:12
Earthly achievements usually come with temptations. Leadership, Wealth, Politics and other successes lead achievers into vulnerable situations for temptations. Fearing competition can cause murder, wealth bring formication and arrogance....and so on.
Usually temptations lead to sinning, which affect our relationship with God. Like what happened to Moses in today's Scripture.
In this tragic moment Moses forfeited one of the greatest privileges that could have been his, that is leading the Israelites to the promised land. Just because he failed to control his temper, his most obvious character flaw. He ignored what God told him to do to get water. Instead, in anger he did it his way.
Do you have a fatal flaw — one weakness that could undo all your dreams if you give in to it? Most of us do. But by recognizing it and facing it squarely, we can take precautions to prevent ourselves from giving in to it. And we can ask God to help us to avoid the temptations that weaken our resolve.
Almighty Father, Thank You for all the successes You have given us in this world. Dear Lord, we need to be achievers in life. Let The Holy Spirit Help us to overcome all the temptations in whichever way they come. In Jesus Name. Amen .
On 24th December, 2018, the Lord showed me that the beast is up in arms against the Law of God, and that it is now our duty to uphold the law of Jehovah. All those with spiritual sight have realized that a great crisis awaits the people of God. All the inhabitants of the earth will be on the battle field to attack or to defend the law of God. Those who are to fight for Christ should know that heaven is on their side. The Holy Spirit will strengthen Christ’s messengers. Therefore, they should be patient, courageous and firmly stand for truth.
In a vision, I was with my mother working in our father’s field. The field was very fertile and had different portions. When we finished the portion which we were given, I was told to go and find my father to tell him that the work was done, and also ask him to show us another portion where to work. So I left home and followed a path toward the east. To get to where my father was, I had to walk through a thick forest.
When I had walked a few meters into the forest, I met four farmers carrying one big basket. I asked them where they were going, and they told me that they were going home. Knowing that they had been bringing food all the times, I asked them if they had brought me the food I so much loved. They answered saying, “Yes we brought you something,” and they showed me bread beautifully baked. The bread was special. The middle part of this wonderful bread looked like Bible pages, and it was very glorious. I liked the bread and bought three loaves, but they did not allow me to eat or carry it with me. They told me that since they were going home, the food would be kept me, and only be given to me when I return home.
On my way, I found a group of people rambling in the forest on the right side of the path, and I knew them. They were told to go to the field where we had been working and work, but they changed their minds and wandered in the bush. I asked them where they were going, and they told me that they were sent to work in the field, but they did not want to go to that field because it was very far. Therefore, they were looking for any other field nearby where they would work instead. I left them wandering in the forest.
Ahead, there was a mountain to cross to get to my father. I became anxious to cross and meet him. On the far left there appeared another mountain, dark and very ugly. And I heard a sound like that of a crawling serpent from this mountain. Fear and horror seized me, and I hastened my feet. From a distance, I saw something in the middle of the road. I did not know what it was because of the light that was covering it. The sound of a crawling thing changed to that of a moving wild cat. I turned my eyes searching through the woods to see what it was, and I saw a terrible leopard-like beast. The beast was fierce and deadly. It had seven heads, and its feet were like that of a bear with long sharp nails.
When I came near the thing which was surrounded by the light from heaven, I saw that it was the Ark of the Covenant. On top of the ark, a gift nicely wrapped, was placed. The ark rested on three glorious stones, and in the middle of the stones, there was fire. I saw the beast rushing to destroy the Ark of Covenant. When I realized that it wanted to destroy the sacred article, I quickly ran and got hold of the ark. The beast furiously came and hit the ark with its head and bit it with its teeth. It tried with all its might to move the ark and destroy it. I firmly held on to it, that it did not move not even an inch.
My strength could not match that of the beast. I looked at the ark and saw four string like arms from heaven tied to it, and I was encouraged to fight more for I knew that heaven was near to help. A sigh of relief came when I saw many of my father’s watchdogs led by one of his messengers come to my aid barking viciously. But to my disappointment, when they saw the beast, all the dependable watchdogs laid down with their tail between their legs for fear of the beast. The beast saw that the dogs were fearful, so it tried even hard to destroy the ark. This astonished the messenger, and he was greatly discouraged. Again I saw some other dogs come barking violently, and when they came near and saw this terrible beast, they scampered back in fright.
My strength began to diminish, I reasoned within me, saying, “If I let go of the ark, this beast will kill me, since it has failed to destroy the ark.” So I held fast to the Ark. The beast angrily turned and looked at the watchdogs which were all this time lying down. Knowing that they were in great danger, these watchdogs paid homage to the beast and joined to assist it to destroy the ark. The messenger who kept the dogs became disappointed at what the dogs did. But I heard a voice encouraging him not to despair. Then came small despised but vicious dogs. These small but courageous dogs attacked the beast, and the messenger was greatly encouraged.
It was a great conflict with the beast, and I became tired, and thought of running away like the dogs did. Then I heard a voice from under the ark whispering to me, saying, “Keep holding on for I am with you and the power of My Father is with you.” When I heard this strength was given me and I became more determined to fight the beast. At last the beast gave up and immediately the Ark of Covenant was taken to heaven. The beast went its way wandering in the forest.
Then the voice of the Lord came to me, saying, “Go back and work in My field.” I answered and said, “I am going to my father to tell him that we have finished the work which we were given, and to be shown another portion where to work.” The Lord spoke to me, saying, “I wanted you to come and do what you have just done. This is why you found me already here. This is the work you will do. Now go back home, there you will see what has happened. Go and tell your mother that she should go work, there you will be shown the portion where you will labor.”
On my way back home, I found many people wandering in the forest looking for food. In this forest there was food everywhere. I knew some of them and among them were my brothers and sisters. I asked them what they were looking for and they told me that they had come from the field into the forest to look for food. I was amazed to hear that they left all the good healthy foods at home to look for food in the forest. So I asked, “Why have you left all that food at home?” They answered and said, “The food at home is not as delicious as the food in this forest.”
I looked at them and I saw that they had become blind, though they were able to see the food in the forest. They had left their shoes and working tools and were scattered in the forest searching for food. I asked them whether they heard the noise of a moving beast. They told me that they did not hear anything. I told them of the beast that had risen and everything I saw. When they heard this, they mocked me saying, “This woman is a false prophet, who can hear this? Let us go and gather the food.” I answered and said, “Brothers and sisters, I am not what you think I am, but I am telling the truth. Because you are blind, you are unable to see, but if you go back home you will be healed.” Many of them refused to go back, but a few of them realized their fate and threw away the baskets. They wanted to run back home, but because they were blind they could not see the way. Then the Lord said to me, “Those who are blind will not go back. Look for those who can see dimly, only such can be helped.” I looked around to see if there were some who had eyes, but there was none.
I saw many other people coming from the field. These were sent to report to their master that they had finished the work they were given. But they did not mind to take the report, but instead they too abandoned their tools and went to look for food in the forest. Some of them were my brothers and sisters and I said to them, “Where are you going? Lift up your eyes and see what is coming. Look, your friends are blind and they cannot come back, and the beast has risen.” Attracted by the delicacies ahead, they persisted with immovable firmness to go in the forest and they all became blind.
I left them in the forest and when I was about to enter the fields, I met another group leaving the field for the forest. I looked at them and saw that they were seeing. I pleaded with them not to go into the forest and explained to them what was happening. One of them came to his senses. He saw that time was no longer. He remembered some prophecies which were given that in later times, Satan will bring many earthly attractions to distract God's people. He turned and hastily went back. The rest refused to listen and were still interested in gathering the precious things of the forest. Their eyes became dim. I tried to plead with them but they refused to go back. Then the Lord said to me, “Let them go.” So I stopped pleading with them and immediately they became blind and went their way.
In the fields, I met my mother. She also left the field for the forest. She had removed her clothes and was putting on strange garments fit for the forest. I held her and said, “Mother where are you going?” She answered and said, “My daughter, you have come back, did you find your father? I am going out because I have heard that there is food in that forest.” I said, “Mother do not be this excited, yes my father met me and sent me to come and tell you to go out and work, you will be shown the portion where to labor. But do not go in that forest because there, I found a very terrible beast. Look across the forest, the beast is moving about looking for whom to destroy.” But she answered and said, “Hey! Let me go and gather food.” I told her that those who were insisting to go into the evil forest were becoming blind.
My mother could not listen to me. She answered and said, “I know you are a coward. Everyone is going there and you want me not to go. Look my child, we have not received rewards for the work we did. You know, they are giving free food over there, so, let me go and get something.” I held her and said, “Please trust me, if you go there you will be disappointed.” But she twice slapped me hard on the face, pushed me, and went her way. My mother entered the forest and joined the wicked and unsanctified. There she found her children blind, and she was not able to heal their blindness. To show her heartfelt sympathy, shamelessly she sat with them to feast with the wicked revelers in the forest.
I came back and found a few faithful brothers and sisters who remained home. The four men I met earlier, who carried a vessel full of bread, were in the field looking for people to work with. I came to them and told them that my mother had left home for the forest, and that when I tried to reason with her, she hit me twice. I told them that her behavior was quite strange. Then one of the four men said, “God’s people are cold, hard-hearted and selfish. Just as she twice slapped you, so the church leadership will treat God’s faithful servants. They will be unfairly disciplined by censure and by removal of membership from the church register in order to silence them. Let her be, she will meet the husband right there.”
At that moment my father came to her. When she saw him, shame covered her for her course. My father asked her, saying, “Where have you left Irene? Where have you left my faithful children? You have plenty of food back home. Why did you come to eat from this forest?” My mother was speechless. Then my father commanded her to go back to the house, saying, “Go back home and care for your children, if you will not go, they will be destroyed.” Ashamed, my mother left her perishing children and came back home. She found me and a few other children, the children she despised and rejected, working in the field. She came near and tried to be close to them, but they were told to concentrate on the work.
It makes me sad when God’s people continue on the path of destruction. Despite the daily warnings, they advance nearer and nearer to their destruction. Many know not that the Lord has set me in the church to be her eyes. God would have selected a great character, but instead He chose me a despised woman, and set me in the church to be the eye of His people. If God has not called and given me His word, I would be leading thousand to eternal damnation, and then you would do well to mistreat me. But if He has truly chosen and called me, the people should know that, when they despise me and reject my testimonies, they despise and reject God Himself.
The four men with bread are the four angels carrying the last warning messages to the world. Three are in Revelation 14:6-11 and the fourth is in Revelation 18:1. These angels have the food for today. We are to eat this food and give the hungry to eat as well. The angels are looking for men and women to work with, and to their disappointment, many have left for the forest to seat and eat from that wicked table. To many these warning messages are not pleasant, but whether the messages are pleasing or not, we are to carry them to the world, and prepare a people for the great day of the Lord.
The workers I found wandering in the forest, who refused to go and work in the field are those servants who have said in their hearts, the Lord delays His coming. They are they which smite their fellow servants, and are eating and drinking with the drunken. They vex the fatherless and the widow and have despised Gods holy things, violate His law and profaned His Sabbaths. They do not differentiate between the holy and the profane, neither have they showed the difference between the unclean and the clean, for they hide their eyes from God’s Law. Because they are selfish and disobedient they are unwilling to do the work God gave them, and they have gone out looking for satisfaction elsewhere.
The dark mountain, where the beast came from, is that wicked city called Vatican. The Beast is the Papacy. I was told that the dogs that had been backing at the beast, but later scattered in fears are the men and women that were in the forest gathering food. Some had turned to be the servants of the beast just like the dogs which paid homage to the beast. There are many who are preaching the word of God today that will latter join the beast and fight God’s Law.
Many today have left the path of duty, they are not feasting on the bread of life, but instead, they have mingled with the unsanctified, received the unclean food and are drunk with the wine of Babylon. Those who were barking at the beast are now aiding it to trample upon the Law of Jehovah. And many who are still barking will one day cease unless they receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
The church leadership, represented by this mother’s authority, will discipline God’s servants in order to silence the voice urging people to prepare the way of the Lord. They want to remain with no voice to distract them from doing whatever they want. But God’s faithful messengers will not be silenced. These heaven-sent messengers will stand under the broad shield of Omnipotence. They will not be silenced by the threats of the unsanctified leaders or the reproaches of their brothers and sisters in the faith.
God is calling upon His children to go out and work in the field, to warn the world and defend God’s holy law. But instead these wicked children have scoffed and mocked God’s servants who are urging people to repent and be zealous. Many faithful servants have cried out, “Prepare to meet the Lord.” But they have been met with those who had received the same light, but who, in their perverted wisdom, reject all that does not harmonize with their theories, and are determined to follow their own way. They refuse to receive truth themselves, and do all in their power to lead others to regard with indifference the word of the Lord.
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